Stop slicing for good day 5

With Tyson Deskins from 419 Golf

An extremely common reason I see with golfers who slice is what we call a lack of depth. Lack of depth in the golf swing refers to your hand position, we often talk about the butt of the club, in relation to your toe line. If you get to the top of your backswing and the butt of the club is out over your toes, if you drew a straight line down, that would be considered a lack of depth at the top of your backswing. That position makes it very difficult to swing the club from the inside, or to the right. In today’s video I’m going to explain to you how to determine if this is the reason, or one of the reasons, you are slicing. I’m then going to explain where we would like the butt of the club to be at the top for acceptable depth. Finally I will give you a few drills to get those hands a bit deeper at the top, and start making it easier for you to come from the inside just like all of the great ball strikers in history! 

Thank you for going through these last 5 days! It definitely shows that you are ready to finally get rid of that nasty slice and start the process of taking your game to the next level! There’s 1 more day and 1 more video in this series, you’re not going to want to miss tomorrow's video! I will be tying all of the videos together, as many of you may have multiple of these issues going on in your swing. Also, at the end of the video I’m going to give you an amazing offer to continue your journey to better golf! Can you spot the lack of depth below?