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2 Man Scratch Scramble House League

1) League Fee is $50 per golfer. League fees will be due by first official week of play week beginning 11/09.

2) Weekly player fee will be $25 per player.

3) The league will start 11/02with a fun night. The official first week will be week beginning 11/09 and continue to be played every week through 03/26/21. The season will be split into two halves.

4) Scores will be kept on the Trackman system with each team responsible for having an employee capture the final score.

5) Weekly matches are 9 holes only, should only take 1 hour per match with only one team playing.

6) All league play can be scheduled anytime Monday through Friday based on availability, tee times are required. Your weekly score must be posted by Friday at close.

7) 419 Golf will select the course to be played each week along with setting rules... i.e. wind, tees, weather, front or back 9, etc.

8) Players get mulligans on computer error only (i.e. did not read shot)

9) Putting will be manual with 8 ft gimmies

10) Schedule, standings, and rules will all be posted on the 419 Golf website and updated weekly. 

11) Scoring based on gross total. If there are 10 teams in the league, the lowest team total will receive 10 points, the second lowest team receives 9 points etc.

12) Prize money will be paid out for each half. Payouts will be based off of the amount of teams in the league.

13) There will be a $10/team per week skins game. If there are no skins in a week only those who paid the prior are eligible to pay the following week.

14) All players must wash their ball and clubs prior to each round. Any dirt on either will transfer to the screen. If you do not have a clean ball we will have some for you to use.

15) Food and Alcohol (working on acquiring license) will be available for purchase during your round. Players are also welcome to have food delivered or brought into the facility. Players cannot bring their own alcohol.

Info Sheet will be given out on fun night as to how to schedule, recording your scores, where to find the leader board and more.